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Makeup of a scope

A scope is a string of characters encoded with UTF-8 consisting of characters acceptable by RFC 6749, Section 3.3.

A scope has two components: (1) a namespace, and (2) actions. A scope's components (including multiple actions) are delimited by a colon: :.

A scope cannot be a null value, but should produce an invalid_scope error, as defined by RFC 6749, Section

The requested scope is invalid, unknown, or malformed.


Every scope must have zero or one namespace. A namespace can either be specific or global. If a namespace is global, then it will be matched by any requesting scope. A specific namespace can only be matched by requests carrying the same specific namespace.

The absense of a namespace (as discussed below) will indicate that no match can be achieved on the namespace. This is not to be confused with a blank namespace, that will be inferred as being a global namespace (see below).

Valid characters: any UTF-8 accepted by RFC 6749 except a color :, and a space .

The first delimited part of a scope is the namespace. An undefined namespace is in the global namespace (eg : or :someaction both produce the global namespace.) Alternatively, global is a protected word, and explicitly defines the namespace for a scope as the global namespace, example: global:. The global namespace is only available for base scopes and not for inbound scopes.

Possible namespaces:

  • foo = foo as a Specific namespace
  • global = Global namespace (explicit)
  • :read = Global namespace (inferred)
  • : = Global namespace (inferred)
  • = Empty string, NO namespace (ie, nothing can match)


A scope may have either zero or many actions. The actions are a narrowing focus of the namespace. A scope without any actions is said to be at the top level. Actions are anything that follows the first delimited part of the scope (the namespace) and are separated by :.

Valid characters: any UTF-8 accepted by RFC 6749 except a colon :, and a space .

Anything that follows any empty action (which is displayed as a double color: ::) is a negative action, or a negation, for example ::exclusion. A negative action only impacts a specifically defined action, and has no impact upon (for example) a top level action. See below for discussion on matching. Negative actions are only permissible in base scopes, and not in inbound scopes. If an inbound scope contains a negation (::), then it should raise an error.

Where there are multiple actions, the order that they appear in shall have no consequence upon acceptance.

Possible actions on a scope:

  • foo = Top level
  • :read:write = Multiple actions, namely read and write
  • : = Any action, wildcard
  • foo: = Any action, wildcard
  • ::read:write = Any action except read and write