# Basics

The general idea is that you write raw SQL queries, and Mayim takes care of running those queries and hydrating the results into Python objects. Let's start by creating a file called basic.py:

import asyncio
from mayim import Mayim

async def run():
    mayim = Mayim(...)


The Mayim class takes a few parameters.

  • executors: a list of Executor classes or instances
  • dsn: the DSN to a DB instance (instead of pool)
  • pool: a connection pool (instead of dsn)
  • hydrator: a custom fallback hydrator (optional)

# What is an Executor?

We will get into it in more detail later, but the Executor is the object that will be responsible for running your queries. It is the one you will spend the most time interacting with.

You need to:

  • subclass Executor (more likely you want one of its subclasses: PostgresExecutor, MysqlExecutor, SQLiteExecutor);
  • create method definitions that match the names of your SQL statements (yes, those methods will likely be empty as seen in the snippet below);
  • name the arguments that will be injected into the query; and
  • provide the model you want to be returned as the return annotation (or annotate it as a Dict if that is what you want back).
from typing import List
from mayim import PostgresExecutor
from dataclasses import dataclass

class City:
    city_id: int
    name: str

class CityExecutor(PostgresExecutor):
    async def select_all_cities(
        self, limit: int = 4, offset: int = 0
    ) -> List[City]:

Usually, your executor will have a bunch of empty methods. That is because Mayim will automatically generate the code needed to run the SQL statement and return the object specified in the return annotation.

In this case, since select_all_cities is an empty method, Mayim will try to execute the SQL query called ./queries/select_all_cities.sql (see more on writing SQL files). Then, it will try and turn the result into a list of City objects because of the method's return annotation.

# Empty Executor methods

In its basic form, your Executor methods should be empty. That means any of the following are acceptable: